
Sunday, October 20, 2013

MRT - Molecular Reform Therapy Part I

          Hey guys, long time I didn't update my blog since sharing my convocation ceremony with all of you. Indeed, after I graduated, I already worked in Renesas Semiconductor Malaysia in Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone, Phase 2 for almost 3.5 months. Quite good company & if you ask me whether pressure exists or not, I can't deny the existence of pressure to myself as via these few months, I realised that HEALTH is very important to me as my HEALTH keeps on deteriorating due to my lifestyle, eat outside & lack of exercise because too many stuffs related to my engineering jobs.

          Here, I want to share the new HEALTH philosophy (or well known as knowledge) that I acquired, which is Elken MRT. Guess what? From the first time I heard this MRT term, I thought that it refers to Mass Rapid Transit which we ride in KL, Taiwan or Singapore. But it wasn't!

          Hence, I want to clarify that MRT is the abbreviation of Molecular Reform Therapy. Actually the phrase can be explained by separating into 3 parts. 

Molecular => Our body cells
Reform => The correction of improper cell metabolism
Therapy => The lifelong management of our health

          In Elken MRT, the distance between us & long-term good health is only 4 steps. 


          The first 3 steps focus on our cells' basic needs at the molecular level while the 4th step targets specific health problems or hereditary concerns according to each individual's specific needs. Click here to know more about each step in Elken MRT & the interesting video to understand why Elken MRT must be practiced in this 21st century over the typical medicinal method. 

          Oh ya! How you feel after learning the therapy & is the video great???

          Today I gonna tell you mainly on how I implement STEP 1 of Elken MRT in my current lifestyle.

          Do you heard of Elken Spirulina before? The answer is NO? You must be kidding with me or you might be outdated + lagging behind in this 21st century! It is recognised as the most Nutricious, A-class & Cheapest food supplement which you can't miss out in life nowadays!

          Guess what? Elken Spirulina is a multiple award-winning all-in-one natural multivitamin, multimineral & protein supplement that is wholly organic. It contains 60 nutrients including the 46 essential nutrients in our daily life, high in plant protein with no trans fat or cholestrol. WAIT! You don't believe?! Please see below.

Sounds ridiculous for this photo? But it is definitely true & helpful for those individuals who have less consumption of vegetables & fruits daily.

          Elken Spirulina is green in colour, quite matching the "Go Green" concept practised by people worlwide, right? Haha, enough for joke. Now, let me tell you why we should take Elken Spirulina, or more accurately its benefits. Don't look around & try to absorb the content inside the photo displayed below. =)

          Did you notice the phrase "cancerous cells" & "acidity" term? There is no more secret that cancer has been our major cause of death every year in Malaysia. Males or females regardless of age always have the risk of getting various cancers, such as the well-known lung cancer, brain cancer, etc. One cause which may contribute to cancers, is the practice of bad food habit. Most of the time, people prefer Fast, Convenient & Delicious food (i.e fried, processed food, etc) over healthy, organic & self-cooked ones. Usually these kinds of food are acidic & harms our body cells if consuming continuously without any concern. The chart below shows clearly the pH value of the food & please take note.

          Are you feeling terrified already when realised that most of what you eat & drink everyday are in acidic portion of pH chart? Nevertheless, we cannot escape from this food habit easily due to packed schedule but we can consume Elken Spirulina in order to neutralise the body acidity which attributes to the illness. Remember that prevention is better than cure. Don't always wait for the worse to come & then only take action, okay?

          Still doubtful of the benefits of Elken Spirulina to you? Clinical studies had been done & it is proved that it is good in enhancing macrophase functions, strengthening immunity, anti-viral & anti-bacterial effect plus increasing antibody function. Look thoroughly to the poster below ya^^

          Guess what? The Elken Spirulina is beneficial to all levels of people, regardless of age, gender, race & culture. Even though you are healthy or suffering severe illness, no problem to consume the Elken Spirulina. Here I want to share with you all the testimonials made via interviewing the consumers.

 Baby? No problem!

 Female teenager? No problem!

 Old man? No problem!

Malay? 100% HALAL & no problem!

          Trust me! I had consumed Elken Spirulina for some period already & it definitely enhances my immune system + antibodies. Now I seldom consult doctor because of sickness, i.e cough & fever. Hurray. So I want use my blog to share with all my blog followers about my experience with Elken Spirulina. Hope this information can be shared from person to person, from country to country until the whole world knows the importance of health!

 Ignore my "POKER" face, just want to prove that I am not lying & consuming the Spirulina. 

          Here are the lists of some links of information, maybe useful for you to surf & acknowledge:-

1. Benefits of Elken Spirulina (Malay, Chinese & English)
2. Elken Spirulina babies (Malay, Chinese & English)
3. Elken Spirulina handbook (Malay, Chinese & English)

          Here I gonna teach you how to get Elken Spirulina in hand with the most convenient way. In this technology era, e-shopping already become most people's favourite method of purchasing what they want because as we know, situating in the condition of the petrol fee rises but the salary remains the same, we force to cut off various living costs in order to meet our needs. However, one thing we cannot save money in is HEALTH. Without entertainment, we can survive but without HEALTH, we cannot even earn money via working! Agree? Hence, investment of monthly income in HEALTH has no risk & far better compared to investment in entertainment, such as buying luxurious accessories, clubbing, etc.

          I want to introduce my eShop which is the place where you can get Elken Spirulina at easiest way. Welcome to surf my eShop at anytime & anywhere. At here, instead of able to purchase Elken Spirulina online & get it posted to your home, if you still have any doubt or question, welcome to drop a message in my Facebook or Twitter or comment under this blog. I will promise to feedback to you in 24 hours time.

          Furthermore, please kindly remember that Elken Spirulina is not a medicine but a supplement. Inside my eShop, there are other supplement as well (to be discussed in my next blogs) & if you pay full attention along reading my blog, you will notice that I didn't explain on why Elken Spirulina is the Cheapest supplement & daily food that you ought to consume, right? Want to know more details on this, kindly drop a message in my Facebook or Twitter or comment under this blog. Your overwhelming response may become the force for other people to concern of their health which they always neglected during working.
          Last but not least, if you are not a member of my eShop, kindly register yourself as a member by clicking "REGISTER NOW" inside, which will lead you to the e-Registration. Upon completing the registration, you can choose a free gift to post to your home address + 1 year FREE health magazine to study more about Elken MRT. In future, you also have the priority to get promotion price on any supplement. Worthy right?

          Conclusion, don't neglect your HEALTH even though you are busy in working, dating or playing! LOL, even though you work hard, earn extra much income via OT to meet your expenses, but once you get sick or unhealthy, you sure will start to concern about your HEALTH right? Without a healthy body, how could you continue to fight for yourselves in this realistic society? 
          In the previous time, people often said, "Money can't buy HEALTH" but Elken MRT proved that it was wrong. My purpose of writing this blog is to raise awareness of the importance of HEALTH among all & most important advice from me is "Prevention Is Better Than Care".

  1. The company still can survive without you, but you can't survive without a career! 
  2. Money is important, but HEALTH is most important!
Stay tune in my next blog as I will be going to share with you STEP 2 of Elken MRT (Increasing Oxygen Intake). Good day!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Long time no post, first sorry to all followers. I finally graduated after 4 years of Bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering. In this post, I don't want to talk more but I just share all the photos I took on the day. First, of course is my solo photo...

Next are my whole family photos...

 From left to right : My younger brother, Billy; Mom; Me; Dad; My younger sister, Kelly. =)


Next, I want to thank to all buddies/friends who were willing to attend my convocation. Here I want to introduce one by one (Hope you all don't mind ya^^ if you saw this blog. Haha~)

My fellow senior, Wilson Boo (already graduated & USM football geng)

 My fellow junior, Ekk Tan (USM football geng)

My fellow senior, Helen Ch'ng (treats me fine since Matric)

My B.A.K.A FC manager a.k.a CLHS friend, Aries Hon (W/o him, perhaps I no more touch football)
Below one more CLHS friend, Guan Yu.

Introducing MINION's ex-Oldtown colleague, Dennis Tan W H with his MINION flower for me.


Thanks to all fellow juniors (USM football geng; 
from left to right: Cho Kok Meng, Yeap Fu Siang, Royce Chan Chee Hong, Tan Tai Pinn)

 Here's my 3 years (minus 1st Yr) adik/junior, Leon Chee Wei Loon. Thanks for your flower.

This guy introduce me into 30 Hr Famine. Thanks, Chin Jin Wei.

WAIT! You all must be curious about who was helping me to take all the above photos, right? Let me introduce my S&A (Single & Available) Kaho Fong. He's my ex neighbour for almost 20 years. Thanks dude for sacrificing your time whole day for my photo taking session.

Oh Ya! You can imagine how HOT was the environment on the convocation at Dewan Tunku Syed Putra, USM Main Campus. Before end this blog, I gonna say "Thank You" once again to all buddies that attend my convo & also "Sorry" for those who want to take photos with me but I left earlier due to urgency. Haven't end yet because below are the USM photos:-


Wednesday, June 5, 2013


My Korean name is Han Ji Chan.
Take Korean Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


首先,大家懂不懂我将在这个帖子写些什么吗?ANY IDEA???

今天我说要写的,就是有关于七个子 --- “人可匕禾页丹三”。



我们不曾在面子书聊过天,但缘分就从我参加某项网上比赛开始,那就是黑丸 BLACKBALL 图片 “LIKE” 比赛。

那时的我,为了要赢得梦寐以求的4天3页之台湾游,不惜一切,不分昼夜且废寝忘食的在面子书上,不停的对每个朋友恳求,求他们帮我 “LIKE”,直到我遇到这位特别的女孩,我的人生变了。

这位女生,她义不容辞,毫不犹豫地 “LIKE” 了我的照片,过后因为截止日期逼近,我就请求她帮忙叫她的朋友一起 “LIKE”。很奇怪,贪婪的理念促使我无论她认不认识我,脸皮厚的求取她帮忙。更恐怖的是,她答应给我她的面子书帐号和密码,叫我自己去找她的朋友帮忙。 OMG,这个世界真的有免费的午餐吗?





世上没有比咋们更巧的事了!我们父母竟然相同岁数!不同的是她有个哥哥,而我有个弟弟。我们在车上不断地聊聊自己的背景,我觉得我们俩挺相似的。她非常可爱,每次当我说活的时候,她会笑个不停,可能我幽默的细胞感染到她吧!可是她却说是我的 “大饼脸” (她给的绰号)让他禁不住笑起来。




我们从此在面子书什么都聊,本来我想跟她告白,但是慢了一步,在她去柔佛探望外婆的时候,认识到也是从面子书认识的,比她还小的男生。那位男生期间还让她在他家过夜,带他到新加坡的 UNIVERSAL STUDIO 游玩。可能是一见钟情吧,只认识区区两三天的他们,竟然发展到男女朋友关系了,更让我吞不住气的事,他们俩竟然在面子书向全世界公布他们订婚了。


明白事理的你们,可能会说他们在玩 PUPPY LOVE,但穿在无名指上的那枚戒指足以证明你们是错的。


一天,我在面子书上 POST “请老天爷让我把她给忘掉吧”。过了几小时后,她马上在面子书,问我是哪位女生,我叫他别多管闲事,其实那位女生就是她!我也知道她明知故问的。


若我真的有机会向他告白,我会选择在公共场所,大声地在众人面前说声:“我爱你!”, 但我觉得一切都是天方夜谭的事了。唯一我能做的是,希望那位男生对她很好,毕竟 “爱一个人,不一定要拥有她,可以选择祝福她幸福。”

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


今天总算是 2013 年第一封贴子。通常人家说写部落格的时候,心情会特别开心,想跟全世界分享其快乐的经历;或者是特别沮丧,选择憋在心里,通过部落格诉苦。然而奇怪的是,这次我的心情是悲喜交错的。

先说说为何快乐吧!因为有位朋友特别欣赏我的部落格,他不断地追踪我的部落格,甚至我有一段好长的时间没更新了,他会一直问我几时会更新,他很期待阅读我的帖子。可是我每次都让他失望,因为当他问完过后的那天,我还是对我的部落格无动于衷。不知道为什么,每天在睡醒后,欲在当晚叙述一整天所发生在我身上的事情,然后随着堆积如山的事务要处理,睡前那种想写帖子的 MOOD 都没了。


对哦,这句成语(格言?谚语?)已经成为了我生活中的 “原则”。我总是爱 LAST MINUTE 昨晚某件事情,而那件事情早已在数个礼拜前已委托我去做。

正所谓 “理由跟藉口,一个失败的人,总会给自己找许多藉口;一个成功的人,永远没有放弃的理由”,而本人现在的状况,更偏向前者。所以,我总觉得时间对我来讲有限,但我从没思考过,为什么我有无限的时间去做无谓的东西,如:面子书、下载+观赏电影、踢足球、说废话等等呢?

另一方面,沮丧的是,刚过的农历新年,我已经失去那种享受的 FEEL 了。要怎么说呢?以前还没上大学的时候,每当新春逼近的时刻,心里就会蛮期待的计划:“要买什么鞭炮啊?亲戚会给多少压岁钱啊?” 等等天真的问题。可是随着年龄的增长,思想也成熟些,加上祖父祖母、外公外婆已不在人间了,“家有一老,如有一宝” 的概念就呈现在我眼前。每年初一、初二,本来忙着到亲戚家拜年的我们,如今不是坐在家里观赏新春特备的娱形节目,就是槟岛大街小巷的寺庙拜拜,好像平时普普通通的家庭日,没那么像以前的有说有笑,一大群赌博的那种气氛了。:)

哎呀,望着更好的明天前进吧,林振丰!当然明天的我,还是一个疯狂的足球迷。曼联永远是我的梦之队,快点把那支拥有 “银河战舰” 绰号的皇家马德里给击垮吧!




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