
Friday, January 2, 2015


Truly when I referred back to my blog before this, I realized that it’s been long time I hadn’t update my blog already!!! 
OMG, I couldn’t believe that I abandoned my blog for almost 8 months. 
I am so sorry for my blog readers although the amount is just a few only.

Well, let’s forget & throw away the pass, looking forward for a great & fruitful 2015!!!
Happy New Year, guys!!!  

I hope that in this year, I could update my blog frequently, regardless weekly or monthly (Yearly?! NO WAY……) 
Haha, I think that not many readers will realize that I wrote this blog in ENGLISH. 
Kindly be noted that this should be my first time wrote blog in ENGLISH after so long time wrote it in CHINESE.

Some people keep on requesting for my New Year resolutions but what I can say are still the same as previous years. Moreover, last year really quite a disastrous HORSE year (my zodiac is horse L). 

A lot of innocent human lives sacrificed suddenly & the most serious is some are still in mystery mode. **Be moaned for MH370 mysterious lost, MH17, AirAsia QZ8501 & recent flood casualties. Oh ya, not to mention the incident of Shanghai new year countdown……

Okay, let’s wipe out our tears & look forward for a better GOAT year!

Should I end this blog without my new year resolutions???

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