
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Happy Birthday, Jay Chou!

Well, sorry for not updating my blog for more than 2 weeks already...
Last time ending without new year resolutions, is it okay for you all?
Of course one of my new year resolutions still the same -> find a girlfriend a.s.a.p to escape from single life forever.

People say that single is good as we can do anything we like, plus we no need to worry about anyone else instead of family.
However, due to my beloved mom keeping on mumbling this & that, complaining of why her own son still single whereas her relatives' children already had couple with them, sometimes even concluding me as choosy guy, I couldn't be patient anymore.
Mom, do you think I want to be like that? My fate hasn't come yet la~

See, Jay Chou also so old only marry, the most attractive point is marry a girl who is only 21 years old while he already aged at 36.
OMG! this is fate, he had many crushes with many well-know celebrities, but crush is crush, different with fate!
If you meet a true love, you will never think much about your pair as destiny make you both to meet each other, thanks to Cupid of course :-)

Oh ya, Jay Chou is my idol (sometimes I refer him as my mentor).
Today is his 36th birthday, 1 day after he entered the hall of fame of marriage at Edinburgh with his wife, Hannah Quinlivan.
So I wish him Happy Birthday & of course Happy Marriage!!!

Wait, you guys sure gonna be excited to know my criteria of picking a girlfriend, right?
Indeed, my criteria are extremely high but when I observe myself in front of a mirror, I start to laugh at myself, "You think you are very handsome? You are just a normal boy with a pair of eyes & ears, plus a nose & mouth".

It is not wrong to dream of having a perfect couple but in this world, never have anything that is perfect.
A pair of couple needs trust, time to know each other well before decides to be together for the rest of lifetime.

Talking about so much nonsense, here are 5 criteria I wish my future girlfriend could have.

1. Religion: Buddhist/Taoism (Sorry to say that religion plays an important part in my life)

2. Sociable & well communicate with me. (Any topic I also can talk, haha)

3. Never smoke & drink alcohols. (Drink a little is acceptable)

4. Respect to the elders. (love my family as I love your family too)

5. Optimistic & has a sweet smile. (I like girls with sweet smile as she carry "energy" to me)

I already shared out my criteria, how about you the blog readers?
If you are still single, don't mind to inform me about yours.

See you soon in the next blog......

Friday, January 2, 2015


Truly when I referred back to my blog before this, I realized that it’s been long time I hadn’t update my blog already!!! 
OMG, I couldn’t believe that I abandoned my blog for almost 8 months. 
I am so sorry for my blog readers although the amount is just a few only.

Well, let’s forget & throw away the pass, looking forward for a great & fruitful 2015!!!
Happy New Year, guys!!!  

I hope that in this year, I could update my blog frequently, regardless weekly or monthly (Yearly?! NO WAY……) 
Haha, I think that not many readers will realize that I wrote this blog in ENGLISH. 
Kindly be noted that this should be my first time wrote blog in ENGLISH after so long time wrote it in CHINESE.

Some people keep on requesting for my New Year resolutions but what I can say are still the same as previous years. Moreover, last year really quite a disastrous HORSE year (my zodiac is horse L). 

A lot of innocent human lives sacrificed suddenly & the most serious is some are still in mystery mode. **Be moaned for MH370 mysterious lost, MH17, AirAsia QZ8501 & recent flood casualties. Oh ya, not to mention the incident of Shanghai new year countdown……

Okay, let’s wipe out our tears & look forward for a better GOAT year!

Should I end this blog without my new year resolutions???

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